FOURTH Party USA …is a “virtual” political party.
We envision a new kind of political party designed to be accessible to every party member because we “live” on-line. We exist within social media and discussion forums. That means that every party member has the same access to other party members (and even party leadership) that every other member has. (i.e. no “elite” power structure)
What’s the point of a virtual party? Think “flash mob” on a political scale! Think “access” rather than “backroom dealing”! Think “collaborative, consensus leadership” by the guidance of the governed rather than “elitism”! There is still a place for leadership, but… Good leadership does not impose its will upon the unpersuaded, but rather good leadership leads those they have persuaded, and empowered, and inspired to a greatness that even those followers thought not possible.
We are building a party, not around “positions” on momentary issues that come and go, but around Conservative, Constitutional guiding principles to which all candidates are bound. Any positions on any issues are guided by one’s principles and it is the soundness of those principles that will lead to good decisions. This concept of adhering to Constitutional guiding principles leaves lots of room for discussion and for creativity, but no room for compromising an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. In a limited government, not only should every budget item be justified by a Constitutional test, but every piece of legislation should also be subject to Constitutional justification.
The Founding Fathers actually despised the notion of political parties, but political parties are the reality with which we work. Still, we are not working for “change from within” any party. We are transcending the influence of a party power base. We are transcending the influence of big money over the election process. We are a uniting coalition of independent voters, third party voters, tea party voters, and disenfranchised two-party voters who agree on core values and agree to disagree on issues that have a lesser impact on the very identity of our nation.
Since we are a “virtual” party, we do not exist on the ballot as a party (although we may…eventually). Instead, we circumvent the two-party system’s attempts to restrict ballot access. With Fourth Party support, our candidates get on the ballot in whatever manner is most expedient (as a Democrat, Republican, third partier, Independent, etc.). Party identification doesn’t really matter on the ballot or in Congress, because if the candidates true loyalty lies with FOuRTH Party USA, then the Fourth Party will quickly become the real power base that elects candidates…or defeats them. In a literal sense, we are the party to “end” all parties, an irony our Founding Fathers would have appreciated.
Almost without exception, the winner of a revolution is the side which has two things: technology and numbers. Our revolution is being waged through technology, and it is through people like you, using that technology, that we will revive the great American spirit. We exist in numerous forums and web sites, including:
Web site:
(My original website is no longer active...
Go now to my campaign site:
(My original website is no longer active...
Go now to my campaign site:
Blog site:
FreedomConnector (where most of our organizing is taking place):
Get off the bench! Get plugged in, get educated, and get busy! Join the Fourth Party USA group in your state, and start recruiting, educating, and inspiring those around you and, together, we will change our little part of this world!